Assault Fitness Boot Camps offer the highest quality fitness boot camps in the St. Louis area. Safety and proper exercise Progression are our primary design focus! Another key component of our boot camps is Intensity! Our programs are all effort based and constructed to challenge all attendees to their fullest in a supportive team environment! Each class has a multi-level design so-as to provide participants of all levels a great experience. The last key difference with Assault Fitness Boot Camps is our old school approach. Our Boot Camps are Military style, outdoor small group training sessions with functional based exercises that include TRX's, sandbags, kettle bells and old fashioned body weight exercises. Push ups, short distance running, and bear-crawls and even team building techniques are all staples in our camps. Hard work, fun, and fitness all rolled into one!
Think your up for the challenge? Contact us to reserve a slot for a free test drive. You won’t regret it... WE GUARANTEE IT!!!